Trailer backing champion? Better than this Aucklander?

backing the Santa Fe

Apparently some Aucklander's are not very good at backing.
Or so the image suggests.That poor tree. And since when is it ok to park a trailer on the footpath, especially when it is right next to a park bench?????

It might also be a bit of a fib to get some conversation going.

You would be right in guessing that this is the brand new 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe.
It hasn't officially been released yet, so we have to use images sent to us by Hyundai. This is a lovely image of the new Santa Fe on Auckland's iconic waterfront infront of Rangitoto Island.
It originally didn't come with the picture of the trailer, we just photoshopped that in. Unfortunately to get it looking right, the trailer has ended up parked all crazy, but it is a nice segway.

We think we are pretty good at backing trailers here in Nelson / Tasman. It is that kind of lifestyle region. A trailer expands your options so much, and also helps you get a whole lot more work done. So many of us have our own trailers, and everywhere you go on holiday people are carting their gear, bikes, kids bikes, BBQ's and firewood around.

To make a point we decided that it would be a great idea to hold a trailer backing competition. Mitre 10 Mega have kindly loaned us the use of their trailers and their carpark on Saturday 20th April for the afternoon from 1-3pm. We think we can find the Trailer Backing Champion of the world right here, and that champion will get a lovely dinner for two at 623.

The rules? Not quite sure yet. Will the main prize go to the fastest? The most precise? Or the best dressed? Not to worry we will have plenty of other spot prizes on the day to keep everyone happy.



Does living in "the big smoke" automatically disadvantage you when backing a trailer?

Now we are not really for a moment suggesting that Aucklander's as a whole are rubbish at backing. Our newspaper ad kind of does suggest that, but it is all about starting a conversation. And working with what digital assets we have when it comes to promoting a new model that we don't have "official" photos for.

Hyundai have also embarked on a large scale campaign recently all about the humble trailer, and the fact that the most requested accessory on the Santa Fe is the tow bar. This ad is great, all about the kiwi lifestyle, however the free towbar deal has now expired, but you get the idea of what they were going for. 

Kiwi's love to tow. Every kind of great activity usually involves a trailer. So towing is in our blood, and usually taught to us at an early age. Hands up who has memories of backing the trailer for their Dad as a teenager learning to drive?

Hyundai head office are not convinced that everyone is as good a backer as they think. Maybe they have seen some very dodgy towing antics in their carpark.Or maybe the first towing competition they did a few months back on TVNZ's Breakfast show scared them senseless.

They have produced these very informative video's that give you towing tips, and guides to being a better at towing. First the obvious stuff.

 and then the actual towing guides......

How was that? Feel more informed about towing? Hopefully this may help some of you to be better at towing. Feel free to come down to Mitre 10 Mega on Saturday 20th April between 1-3pm and try your hand at it - you might win yourself a prize just for participating.